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Thinking in systems is often lost in the fog of day to day operations for a company. It’s easy to get lost in what your goals are for your specific area. Recently, I came across “The Iceberg” by Addison & Haig when reading Performance Architecture: The Art and Science of Improving Organizations. What stood out to me was the systemic effects organizations have on motivation.

It all starts with the CEO. CEO’s often aren’t understood. The importance of a mission, vision, and goals are the literal foundation for everything that is the company and that is where motivation starts. Management and senior leadership are the next level that drives culture and motivation in a company. They are responsible for setting the priorities, standards, and procedures while ensuring that everyone has the tools and resources they need to be successful. Feedback then provides the foundation for qualifications, skills, and Knowledge of the day to day.


Addison, R., Haig, C., Kearny, L., (2009) Performance Architecture: The Art and Science of Improving Organizations. Center for Creative Leadership


© 2023 by Cory Archer

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