The storyboard sets the scene for learning development. Executing a proper storyboard leads to better learning and increases efficiency to hit deadlines. For years, scripting and storyboarding has been the bread and butter of an instructional designer. The following are 4 sins to avoid while storyboarding.
1. Not Referencing the LA
The learner analysis is an important document when it comes to who you are developing training. Without the learner analysis your training will appear lost. Imagine trying to teach rocket science to a third grader? How successful do you think you’ll be? In today’s world education, age, and language are all crucial pieces of information to consider when building effective training.
2. Scripting Before Outlining
Ready! Set! Go! That’s how I feel when I’m scripting and storyboarding. Some think they can develop the path while they’re writing, but that’s a sin to avoid. Often when there isn’t an outline a branching scenario will branch to nothing. Take the time to provide clarity to your scripts with an outline.
3. Structuring Without Clarity
Are you having trouble getting a SME to read your script or storyboard? It’s probably because they’re looking at a document that gives them massive cognitive overload. Think of it this way, when was the last time you read the terms and conditions document for any app you downloaded? Yeah, if you give someone a complex document it will be avoided. Take the time to section out each part that will be important for the SME and make it simple.
4. No Initials or Signatures
So, you’re freelancing business is going good? Lots of clients, lots of money. Then bam, a client from hell appears and you’re looking at a lawsuit because you won’t change the information on the prototypes that the SMEs “Approved”. Hold everyone accountable by using initials and signatures on all documents. This will save you a headache in the future.