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So Many Acronyms

Let's clear this up.

There are many forms and processes that go along with instructional design. These helps create the best training possible that will push the organization to achieve the best change in behavior and justify the ROI for training. The following are different pieces to the ID pie that are crucial for any learning project.

Learner Analysis (LA)

The learner analysis is a document that identifies who your audience for the training is. This paints the picture of who your learner is and allows you to cater the training better to that audience and their needs. For example, if you discover that your learners are senior citizens and have a hard time with technology that will tell you that eLearning modules aren’t a good fit for training as your learners will struggle with the technology.

Task Analysis (TA)

The task analysis is a document that analyzes how a task is successfully completed. This includes the safety information, frequency, duration, steps, and other important task details that the ID can use to develop the training with.

Task Resource Analysis (TRA)

The task resource analysis is a document that assists the ID in choosing the appropriate resources to deliver the training. It is important to the process to deliver the training in the most efficient medium to achieve the learning goal.

Performance Requirements (PR)

The performance requirements document sets the criteria and standards for success. This outlines what the learner must be able to achieve in given circumstances after completing the training. This determines the success of the training.

Performance Assessment Instrument (PAI)

The performance assessment instruments document outlines what will be used in assessing the performance of the learners. The ID chooses how to assess the learner’s retention to ensure they meet the requirements of the training.

Job Aid (JA)

The job aid is a short document that a learner can call on when performing a task. It short and simple and is used in a variety of ways.


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